USSMC Customer Testimonials
USSMC's Executive Philosophy
"As a senior executive of USSMC, outstanding customer service and quality service is extremely important to us. So we value your testimonials and feedback about our program/project management services to your organization. Please find a few comments and testimonials below. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you and your organization reach its unlimited potential"
-Brenda Campbell, President/CEO-
Hello Mr. Robinson and Ms. Campbell:
I attended the seminar by USSMC called "The Real Truth About Doing Business Federal Government Training". I must admit...I had no idea the information would be so comprehensive and complete. Ms. Campbell dispelled all myths and rumors regarding doing business with the federal government. It was very insightful, strategic, and analytical. I learned so much in the class that it took me several days just to begin to synthesize all of the information. I am grateful for all of the selfless hours that Ms. Campbell poured into her students to ensure that the level of information given to them in this class was no less than world-class. It was professionally executed and delivered. Thank you so much! Keep up the excellent work!
Yvonne Thompson, PhD
"USSMC conducted management services center architectural enterprise-wide operational evaluation and system analysis, administrative, financial, procurement contract support and customer service training support requirement. Compliance/CONOPS and Implementation Plan were end products. USSMC served as the Small Business Prime Contractor for this requirement. Provided oversight for Subcontractor who made recommendations for proposed customer service staff.
Contractor added value and proposed quality solutions and strategies that helped the Government to save money and streamlined processes. Many of the proposed solutions and recommendations were implemented. The level of work and reports were submitted in a timely and professional manner. USSMC provided exceptional customer service. Communications was important to the President and CEO and to her staff.
The Contractor did not exemplify any negative qualities in the performance of this contract. We would not have any reservations about this Contractor performing future work. The Contractor was professional and worked within the budget allocated. All work was completed on or before time."
- Reginald Lawrence, Director of Information Technology (IT) Systems Development/Program Manager/COTR, NOAA NESDIS OSO, NSOF
" Contractor helped DHS prepare for the second annual DHS Acquisition Seminar and provided logistical support before, during and after the event.
Assessing Official Comments:
The Contractor's customer service on the day of the event was excellent. The quality of the agenda booklet and signage were well designed and received rave reviews from the attendees. The Contractor provided a timely and amicable response to all
Government requests during the period of performance.
The Contractor met the delivery schedule dates and times. Additionally, the Contractor provided draft documents in advance of the delivery dates to the program office for comments and recommendations to final deliverables.
The Contractor's management of USSMC personnel that coordinated the pre-event planning activities was excellent. The logistics and coordination activities USSMC conducted on the day of the event were greatly beneficial to the Government. Specifically, USSMC personnel helped attendees and guest speakers with questions in regard to travel to and from the Fort Belvoir, VA facility. Additionally, USSMC personnel were stationed throughout the facility to assist attendees in finding the room locations for break-out sessions. This allowed the Government to focus their time and resources on ensuring that this event was seamless. Prior to and during the day of the event, USSMC's staff was very professional and provided outstanding customer service.
Given what I know today about the contractor's ability to perform in accordance with this contractor order's most significant requirements, I would recommend them for similar requirements in the future".
- Nieema Bath, Contract Specialist, Department of Homeland Security